Monday, September 14, 2009

"soaking" in the desert!

I don't think of the desert as a place to soak.  It is dry,hot, lonely, barren and frankly, not a place I like to be.  You see, I have been in a spiritual desert for a while now.  For reasons I am still learning, the Lord has placed me there.   But, I have found that it truly can be a place to the Son.  I have met Jesus there many times.  Just when I feel like I will never get out, like I can't go one more day, like I am going to whither away, He steps in and gives me a drop.  Just a drop.  But for one fleeting moment, I have EXACTLY what I am thirsting for, desperate in Him.  The kind of trust that makes your heart laugh, your mind rest, your soul melt.  The kind that only my Jesus can give.  It is fleeting; I really would love a whole bucket full.  But I know, for now, a drop is all I need and truthfully, all I can handle.  
He is teaching me to be dependent on Him, to find EVERYTHING I need in Him.  He is breaking me of my dependence on people.  Oh, how painful this is at times, but how precious.  It is calm and quiet in the desert.  I can hear Him very, very well.  So, for now, I sit and wait on the Lord and "soak" in my desert.  Jesus Loves Me!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adventures in starting a blog!!

Ok, here we go!  Well, with some help from my buddy Christy, I have gotten a start into this world of blogging.  I have so much more that I want to add to my page.  Above all, I want to encourage, spur on to love and good deeds, challenge and hopefully entertain in a way that brings glory and honor to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  It is my intense love for Him that gives me the desire to live this life to the fullest measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over!  Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Blessings on your heads,